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FillisLift | Think Green!

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The global warming effect is not a theoretical dispute of scientists, it is happening now!!!

Our future is in danger, our children and the next generation to come will inherit a lethal environment.

We all must act now! Each of us can contribute by lowering CO2 emissions and protect our planet. We can still change the future if each and every one of us on this planet THINK GREEN.

Our company contributing to this effort is already running the following recycling programs:

Recycling used lubricants. All used lubricants coming from repairs and maintenance of our machinery rental fleet and our customers, are gathered to our company, stored in tanks until they are gathered for recycling from authorized license recycling companies.

Recycling used - worn out tyres. All types (pneumatic and semi solid tyres forklift and machinery tyres) are stored and afterwards recycled.

Advanced innovated technology for regenerating old batteries and extending new and old batteries up to 3 times more lifetime. We are applying battery regenaration on our own machinery fleet (300 heavy industrial equipment), and afterwards with the expecting positive results, providing this new advanced technology also to our customers!

  • less maintenance costs
  • less battery wastes
  • less consumed energy to charge everyday batteries due to less internal battery friction
  • and at the end…… less CO2 emissions.

General waste (paper, glass, etc) produced from our everyday work (offices, workshops) are now not thrown into the general waste bins, but in separate special recycling bins to be collected from the city recycling truck.

Contact Us

27th klm. Old National Road Athens-Thiva
19600 Mandra, Attiki

5th klm. Old National Road Larisa-Volos
41500 Larisa

T: +30 210 55.55.884

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