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Hyundai | Electric counterbalance Forklift 15BT-7

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Flexibility & Power together!!

The new electric counterbalance forklift is HYUNDAI's "smart" choice for each enterprise. The 15BT-7 is characterized by its flexibility with very small dimensions and is ideally suited for use in warehouses and logistics in tight spaces and also for loading goods into containers.

The reliability of the functions is provided by its central control unit and the electric motor type AC for maximum performance and nearly non-maintenance requirements. It is easy and pleasant to use and can carry out any task assigned to it by offering maximum security.



Hyundai 15BT-7 stands out because of the WET-BRAKES SYSTEM which is the latest technology and is applied to all "heavy duty" type machines. This system gives the machine maximum braking feel with minimal maintenance costs (maintenance free).

Hyundai, however, did apply certain technical features to ensure a high level of safety at work. The OPSS (Operator Presence Sensing System), for instance, guarantees that no mast movements such as rising, lowering or inclining are possible when the driver is not in his/her normal position.

In addition, the sophisticated electronic control system offers the ability to plan and adjust all parameters (e.g. speed, braking, etc.) according the needs of operator. Finally, with the automatic fault diagnosis system, the operator is always aware of the functional state of the machine.

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27th klm. Old National Road Athens-Thiva
19600 Mandra, Attiki

5th klm. Old National Road Larisa-Volos
41500 Larisa

T: +30 210 55.55.884

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